List UI

My primary focus for much of the game been working on two different UI menus that are accessibly during combat in our game. These include an item list and a magic list, which are open via their respective buttons from the combat screen, and then a list of different items appear and players can choose a item/spell to use. This took me a fair a bit research to implement, as I hadn't made an inventory system before, and I wanted to do in a dynamic way, in which the data of items, and the specific game instance of them was separate, as this helped in creating different items. Additionally, I was pretty rusty working with Unity UI elements, and did a fair bit of research to get the UI list to populate themselves, respond to the player, and automatically align on the screen.

- Jonathan Orth


12-08 Playtest 34 MB
Dec 11, 2023

Get Knight of the Wylds

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